发布时间:2022/04/29 04:55:35





2021.09-至今  济宁医学院精准医学研究院

2016.09- 2021.07  华中科技大学同济医学院  生物化学与分子生物学博士

2011.09-2015.07  济宁医学院  生物技术学士


1. 研究定位于两个细胞器膜接触位点的转脂蛋白介导的脂质转运活性对于细胞功能调控机制。

2. 研究非囊泡依赖的脂质运输途径介导的晚期内吞体的定位机制。


1. 济宁医学院博士科研启动基金


1.Yuan Gao; Juan Xiong; Qing-Zhu Chu; Wei-Ke Ji*; PDZD8-mediated lipid transfer at contacts between the ER and late endosomes/lysosomes is required for neurite outgrowth, Journal of Cell Science, 2022, 135 (5): 0021-9533.

2.Xin-Xia Feng; Gang Chi; Han Wang; Yuan Gao; Qian Chen; Ying-Xia Ru; Zhen-Long Luo; Wei Yan; Pei-Yuan Li; Mei Liu; Zuo-Hua Feng*; De-An Tian*IL-37 suppresses the sustained hepatic IFN-γ/TNF-α production and T cell-dependent liver injury, International Immunopharmacology, 2019, 69: 184-193.

3.Han Wang; Wei Yan; Zuohua Feng; Yuan Gao; Liu Zhang; Xinxia Feng*; Dean Tian*; Plasma proteomic analysis of autoimmune hepatitis in an improved AIH mouse model, Journal of Translational Medicine, 2020, 18(1).

4.Gang Chi; Xin-Xia Feng*; Ying-Xia Ru; Ting Xiong; Yuan Gao; Han Wang; Zhen-Long Luo; Ran Mo; Fang Guo; Yong-Pei He; Gui-Mei Zhang; De-An Tian; Zuo-Hua Feng*; TLR2/4 ligand-amplified liver inflammation promotes initiation of autoimmune hepatitis due to sustained IL-6/IL-12/IL-4/IL-25 expression. Molecular immunology, 2018, 99: 171-181.

5. Huixia Fan; Xiaopeng Hao;Yuan Gao; Jian Yang; Aojun Liu; Yarui Su* and Yong Xia*. Nodosin Exerts an Anti-Colorectal Cancer Effect by Inhibiting Proliferation and Triggering Complex Cell Death in Vitro and in Vivo. Front Pharmacol, 2022, 13(943272).

6.Weixing Yu; Runxin Zhou; Nan Li; Zhi-Chao Lei; Dingyuan Guo; Fei Peng; Yan Li; Xue Bai; Shan Feng; Yu Wang; Jie He; Sibi Yin; Xiao Zeng; Leya He;Yuan Gao; Mingchang Li; Yusong R Guo; Ke Liu* and Yugang Wang*.Histone tyrosine sulfation by SULT1B1 regulates H4R3me2a and gene transcription, Nature Chemical Biology, 2023, Online. doi.org/10.1038/s41589-023-01267-9. 

版权所有:济宁医学院精准医学研究院  地址:济宁市北湖新区荷花路133号科研楼三楼  邮编:272067