Bortezomib potentiates antitumor activity of mitoxantrone through dampening Wnt/β-catenin signal pathway in prostate cancer cells
发布时间:2021/12/17 02:25:39

Zhang Y, Liu Q, Wei W, Zhang G, Yan S, Dai R, Sun Y, Su D, Lv S, Xia Y, Li J, Li C. Bortezomib potentiates antitumor activity of mitoxantrone through dampening Wnt/β-catenin signal pathway in prostate cancer cells. BMC Cancer2021 Oct 13;21(1):1101. 

版权所有:济宁医学院精准医学研究院  地址:济宁市北湖新区荷花路133号科研楼三楼  邮编:272067